Posts tagged 2020 Presidential Election
Living in the Burn Down

The world is burning down around us, and we’re going to work. We’re going to the grocery store and the laundromat and watching Netflix. We have no ability to productively imagine what we have to do in this situation, because the obvious option – taking to the streets, going on strike, making actual demands – are things that we have been conditioned not to do. We continue on as we have been, because the alternatives are either outright unimaginable or are the objects of horror and anti-fascination.

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The Hollow Men: On the American Right Wing

The Republicans are playing a different game. Their game, charitably, is whatever game Lucy was playing in Peanuts where she yanks the football out of the way at the last moment. Or at least it was. I think Susan Collins still thinks that’s the game they’re playing. Their game has transitioned over to the cruel “game” of pulling the wings off flies.

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The Politics of “Can’t”

In 1969, three men rode a sky-scraper sized explosive device to the moon using less computing power to do the math than I currently have sitting in my pocket, and made it back alive. Three years later, in 1972, the most progressive major party candidate lost a stolen election by a landslide, and America turned its back on the future.

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Ethics and Aesthetics are Not the Same Thing: USA Electoral Politics, July 2019

I would not say that I have a hope that electoral politics can fix our situation, but I would say that I wish that it will – and I intend to take steps to make that wish a reality. It's been written that there are four boxes to make use of in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammunition, and that it is best to use them in that order. Today I'm hoping to make use of the first of those boxes, as well as some of the tools that Edgar and I have laid out in these brief essays.

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