I have student work to grade and yesterday was very full, so I’m going to make this another brief piece. If you must, read this as an overly personal explanation of why there’s no longer piece today on politics or aesthetics or game design, or whatever you very patient people keep coming back here for.
Read MoreRecently, I’ve been looking at processes of consensus decision-making, and I’ve grown more and more skeptical of the idea of unanimity. It seems to me that, when everyone is in perfect agreement, there isn’t actually that much thought going on, and that the decisions reached are actually some of the lazier, less-interesting approaches.
Read MoreSo what this calls to mind is the question of what a right actually is. I get the feeling that a right is defined sort of like how Saint Augustine defined time, namely, we function as if we know what it is until we try to define it (or, to reference Donald Rumsfeld, it’s the missing corner of his graph: the Unknown Known.)
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