Posts tagged John Berger
Edgar's Book Round-Up, July 2021

Summer reading, you say? More like, “The second hellish summer we have endured while in an active pandemic, under an ineffectual national government and a malignantly stupid state government, now with an even greater likelihood of heat stroke due to accelerating climate change,” am I right?

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Prestige Media and Popular Modernism

But the painting was only the prestige medium for a certain period of time, and it has been superseded by other media, just as it, in turn, replaced other media. We can think of the pre-modern period as the age of sculpture or theater. We can think of the later modern period as being dominated by the novel and film. The postmodern period is dominated, largely by television.

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Cameron's Book Reviews: Putting a Stake in 2019

I also tend to do much smaller book challenges than Edgar does, specifically so I can spend more time ruminating on things. Of course, this means that I don’t explore quite as much, and often end up picking through the remainder of their omnivorous ranging for my own reading.

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Edgar's Book Round-Up, July-September 2019

It’s been a rockier road with reading, though I see now that I said roughly the same thing the last time I subjected everyone to my reading list. I also neglected to mention what else was on my plate while I was being underwhelmed by Eugene Thacker, so we’ll start there.

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