Posts tagged Perdition's Teeth
The Stranger: Vanishing Hitchhikers and Other Possibilities

The Stranger, the ghostly figure who picks up Seeger and delivers him back to Malpais in episode seven, is an echo or a remix of several figures throughout literary and holy texts. He is, possibly, the most folkloric figure within Perdition's Teeth: more rooted in the American -- and, admittedly, some older -- legends than many of the other characters.

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Can't Wait For the Next Episode?

So, I’m a teacher who just went through finals week, Edgar recently got full time at their job, and Alex has a full time job and just went through a major life change that I’ll let him reveal at his own pace. The point is that, while we all believe in — and are dedicate to — Broken Hands Media, we have other things going on and sometimes a week just sucker-punches you right in the teeth.

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