Posts in Odd Columns
Dick, Dec, Matthews, and Jünger: On Mutant Epistemology (Odd Columns #6)

Dick’s behavior indicated knowledge, but his explanation for it was, frankly, not something one would expect from a sane person, and there were other delusional beliefs, amounting to the continuation of the Roman Empire and a fabricated world history. For all people talk about, the content of his delusions was not new.

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On Copization (Odd Columns #4)

I label this process “Copization,” to parallel it to the evolutionary biology phenomenon of “carcinization”: there are a complex of evolutionary pressures that lead ten-legged arthropods to develop into remarkably crab-like forms. Copization, on the other hand, is the phenomenon whereby genre stories that feature violence as a central component have a tendency to evolve into a form that more closely resembles a police procedural.

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