Posts tagged Deleuze and Guattari
Your Desires Have Been Captured: A Discourse on the Mutilated User and the Alienated Worker

There is no individual solution to the situation we find ourselves in. To say, though, that there are no individual components is a mistake. Every collective action is made up of individual actions: it requires that we all consider our situation and broadly take actions – individually and in coordination – that point in roughly the proper direction.

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What is Identity?

In short, I have discussed identity as something inscribed upon a person, but the nature of that inscription has been left somewhat blank. That’s primarily due to the complicated nature of identity: people are free to behave as they will, but what we will is somewhat pre-determined. This isn’t to say that we aren’t free to choose things, but that our identity makes it more likely that we will choose different things.

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What Is Accelerationism?

The term began on the left. This is easy enough to swallow, because the right has a hard time creating anything. They appropriated the term “libertarian”, they’re trying to appropriate furries, and Norse paganism, and metal, and they tried – and failed – to appropriate punk. They are succeeding in appropriating “Accelerationism”, primarily because there’s no consensus on the meaning of the term, because it took a back-channel from academia to the mainstream.

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If Heterosexuality Weren't Everywhere, I'm Not Sure It Would Ever Be Invented

If it seems like I’m re-weirding heterosexuality, then good. It means I’m doing what I set out to do. If heterosexuality wasn’t already common, I’m not sure we would invent it. That isn’t a judgment of those who experience heterosexual desire, that’s an indictment of our treatment of difference.

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Hang on Tight and Spit On Me: A Review of Postcapitalist Desire by Mark Fisher (Fisher's Ghosts, Part 8)

The class, Postcapitalist Desire, for which you can easily find a syllabus online, was something of a workshop where Fisher was talking through the concepts that were going to go into his last book Acid Communism and it was going to meet for fifteen sessions but Fisher passed away after the fifth one. He took his own life in January of 2017. This fact, for me, hangs over the whole of the book: this brilliant man, who seemed to be an enthusiastic and gentle educator , talking about the possibility of a world that could be free, died before the sixth lecture could be held.

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