Posts in Analysis
An Entitlement to Attention: On the Harper's Letter (Time of Monsters, Part 2)

These are people who have largely insulated themselves from outside critique. Over the years, though, due to social media and the proliferation of publishing platforms, the volume on these outside critiques has gone up more and more, until it finally reached the point where they can hear it.

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This Land is (Not) Your Land: America's Twinned Original Sin

The cause – and the historic root of the lion’s share, if not all, problems with America – is white supremacy. The belief in some essential hierarchy of human worth is obviously the problem. It’s why White Europeans stole land from Native Americans. It’s why we imported slave labor from Africa.

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A Thing Is as It Does: Notes Towards a Process Aesethetics

The art work is, however, an act – it is an action, performed by an artist, that persists through time, the medium of its transmission into the future as a vehicle for the artwork. They are the means by which it becomes accessible to other people, and the vector along which it travels through time.

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The Spectre of a World that Could Be Free: On Acid Communism (Fisher's Ghosts, part 6)

The book that Mark Fisher was working on at the time of his death was to be entitled Acid Communism. Its introduction is available in the K-Punk: The Collected and Unpublished Writings of Mark Fisher. There has been a lot of speculation about this subject since his passing, especially in conjunction with the last course that Fisher was going to teach on “Post-Capitalist Desire." The general theory is that Acid Communism was his name for a future political project, marrying the psychedelia of the 1960s to Marxist thinking,

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"I Am Back To Save the Universe": A Possible Reading of OK Computer

I don’t need to tell anyone to listen to OK Computer. Everyone who’s going to has and everyone who means to has heard that they should from more authoritative and better paid sources than yours truly. But I generally feel the need to justify why I like things, beyond just a bunch of people saying that it’s great.

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